Mission: the UNIFI Pillars
The UNIFI mission is organised along three main pillars.
1st Pillar: Experimentation as a Service
UNIFI supports the experimentation-driven innovation by providing access to a wide range of experimental facilities/testbeds spreadout across the globe. The flexible access and aggregation of experimental resources is achieved via the UNIFI-Portal - a central Broker service operated by TU Berlin. The UNIFI EaaS service exposes and integrates real and virtual resources of the UNIFI partners and from the large European FIRE and the US GENI facility owners community. All UNIFI partners are contributing and consuming experimental resources/services via a common technology - the FITeagle federation toolkit - thus lowering the entry barriers to and ensuring co-creation within the UNIFI Community.
2nd Pillar: Class as a Service and Personnel Mobility
UNIFI aims at raising the quality and efficiency of teaching in the area of Future Internet technology by transforming UNIFI experimentation facilities into a learning resource. To this purpose, UNIFI is providing both the teachers and the learners with dedicated tools for the online creation, consumption and monitoring of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and personalised courses. The UNIFI CaaS tools ensure beyond the co-creation and capitalisation of high-quality teaching resources also social inclusion of learning communities from underdeveloped and developing countries. Self-regulated/autonomous learning paradigms are supported via activities from definition of learning objectives over creation of learning materials, creation of FIRE adaptors and integration of FIRE facilities (via the UNIFI EaaS Portal), testing and deployment of the learning material, scheduling and evaluation of the learners.
In addition to the CaaS offerings, UNIFI is supporting also the exchange of teaching and learning personnel by integrating mobility projects like e.g. ERASMUS-TEAM.
3rd Pillar: Industrial reach and marketing
UNIFI aims at supporting the involvement of partner universities in the Future Internet services and applications delivery ecosystems. The on-boarding of UNIFI partners in the local FI markets is facilitated by „blueprints“ of industrial partnership projects based on common OpenXXX toolkits.