7th Global Wireless Summit will take place in October 2017

In addition, Prof. Magedanz (as TPC Co-Chair) and Assistant Professor Mqhele Dlodlo from the Electrical Engineering Department of UCT (as General Chair) started the organizational planing of the 7th Global Wireless Summit themed "Towards a virtualized communications world – Challenges and Opportunities", which should take place in Cape Town in mid October 2017.

Related Links:
NGNI, Unifi, SATNAC, 2017
Martin Machaba (PhD student), Oladele Afolalu (PhD student), Prof. Thomas Magedanz, Joyce Mwangama, Nyasha Mukudu (PhD student), Stephan Ekwe (PhD student), Paul Orim (PhD student) and Fredrick Chisanga (MSc) Thomas Magedanz

SATNAC 2017 is in preparation 

During his visit Prof. Magedanz and the UCT team prepared joint research papers for the upcoming 20th Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference – SATNAC  in September 2017.

Related Links:
NGNI, Unifi, Thomas Magedanz, Rhodes Talk
Dr. Mosiuoa Tsietsi, Prof. Thomas Magedanz, Prof. Alfredo Terzoli Thomas Magedanz

Talk at Rhodes University 2017

Prof. Thomas Magedanz visited Rhodes University in Grahamstown. He gave the talk "On the ICT Impacts on Teleocmmunications - Towards software based networks (SDN/5G)" and a second lecture on "IOT/M2M Technologies and their Role in 5G", supported by Prof. Alfredo Terzoli, Director of the Centre of Excellence in Distributed Multimedia and Head of Department of the Department of Computer Science at Rhodes University, Dr. Mosiuoa Tsietsi, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and co-lead of the Convergence Research Group and Ms. Valerie Motsumi, final year MSc student in  the Department of Computer Science. 

Related Links:
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UNIFI Lecture at UTC

14 March 2017

Prof. Thomas Magedanz spend his sabbatical in South Africa during February and March 2017. In this time he mainly stayed at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in the Department of Electrical Engineering and the UCT - TELKOM Centre for Broadband Networks in order to prepare a closer research and education cooperation in the fields of Network Virtualization, Edge Computing and 5G. As part of this visit he performed together with Prof. Neco Ventura  and Joyce Mwangama a five day post-graduate course on Modern Networking for M.Eng (Telecommunications) and M.Sc. (Eng) students in the Department of Electrical Engineering. He also visited Stellenbosch University and Rhodes University in Grahamstown to extend the cooperations with these universities in the areas of M2M/IOT and network virtualization.
FOKUS, NGNI, OpenBaton, 10_2015
istock/Chris Pritchard

AV OF TU Berlin and Fraunhofer FOKUS supporting the first ETSI NFV interoperability Plugtest with Open Baton

From 23rd January till 3rd February 2017, 40 commercial and open-source-implementations of the second version of the ETSI NFV (Network Function Virtualization) standard that was released in autumn 2016 were tested in Madrid. AV - Next Generation Networks and Fraunhofer FOKUS provided Open Baton, an ETSI NFV MANO compliant and vendor neutral framework for management and orchestration of network functions. 

„We have successfully tested the virtual network functions of 14 participant companies during the two weeks of the first ETSI NFV Interoperability Plugtest in Madrid. We gained a lot of experience managing and orchestrating carrier-grade Virtual Network Functions, which will be drivers for further developments of Open Baton”, says Guiseppe Carella, researcher from the the Chair AV - Next Generation Networks. „The smooth integration of third parties VNFs and NFV Infrastructures was achieved thanks to the very extensible plugin mechanisms provided by the Open Baton framework. Providing an extensible mechanism for integrating with different versions of OpenStack APIs, and VNF management system, is a key for success of NFV MANO frameworks.” 

Open Baton allows for rapid prototype development of new network functions without the need for changing the orchestrating logic. The platform enables a virtual functional development on a NFV Infrastructure and thereby forms a bridge between infrastructure providers, who want to know more about network services and service providers who require suitable infrastructure for the virtualization.

Preceding the Plugtest, a remote-test with 29 Labs was carried out in November 2016. The final evaluation report will shortly be published by ETSI.

Related Links:

Unifi Keynote at DAAD Network Meeting

28 September 2016

Prof. T. Magedanz (Fraunhofer FOKUS/TU Berlin) was speaker: "Understanding Future Internet Technologies enabling Smart City Implementations in Emerging Countries – Lessons learned from the DAAD UNIFI Projekt between Germany, Chile, South Africa, Vietnam and Thailand“, Keynote at 
DAAD Network Meeting, University Partnerships for development: The role of computer Science & Ecology, Organized by: DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service, Bremen, Germany, 19-21 September 2016 

Related Links:
NGNI, Satnac 2016, Keynote
Keynote UTC

Keynote at SATNAC 2016

Prof. T. Magedanz (Fraunhofer FOKUS/TU Berlin): "Getting 5G ready - Understanding 5G as an agile Software-defined Network Infrastructure for IOT Applications and the need to start now looking at it!“, Keynote at SATNAC 2016: Broadband Evolution - Unlocking “The Internet of Things”, at Fancourt in George, Western Cape, South Africa, September 6, 2016
NGNI, News, Satnac 2016
The UCT team with Prof. Thomas Magedanz (Fraunhofer FOKUS/TU Berlin) UCT

UCT Demo on "Smart City Application Use Cases Across Multiple Horizontal Domains" at SATNAC 2016

Fancourt, George, South Africa, September 5-7, 2016

The Southern African Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) is the continent’s leading ICT conference where Industry, Academia and Operators converge. It provided a platform for academic and industry partners to share ideas, current work and future research directions. Based on the long successful cooperation among FOKUS, TU Berlin and the University of Cape Town, the demos showed the usage of the OpenMTC platform in different IOT Use Cases. Three use cases, namely smart home energy management; environmental monitoring and emergency services using remote robotic control were showcased. 
The team at UCT is Neco Ventura, Joyce Mwangama, Nyasha Mukudu, Nataizya Sikasoti, John Lewis and Fredrick I Chisanga.

Related Links:

Read the first issue of the TEAM newsletter!

The TEAM newsletter will keep you informed on the TEAM community achievements and success stories, ICT related news and upcoming events on a regular basis.

Related Links:
NGNI, News, Unifi, Asma, PhD
From left to right: Prof. Dr. Magedanz (TUB), Dr. Elmangosh (TUB), Prof. Dr. Küpper (TUB), Prof. Dr. Ventura (UCT) Fraunhofer FOKUS

Asma Elmangosh defended her PhD work successfully

21 April 2016

The Title of the PhD is: “Application-derived Communication Protocol Selection in M2M Platforms for Smart Cities"
Supervisors have been Prof. Dr. Thomas Magedanz (Technische Universität Berlin), Prof. Dr. Ventura (University of Cape Town), and Prof. Dr. Küpper (Technische Universität Berlin).
Asma Elmangosh had a scholarship from Lybia and worked the last 4 years on this interesting Smart City topic and published numerous papers on the FOKUS OpenMTC extensions. She will leave us and wants to continue her academic career. The TUB AV and FOKUS NGNI Teams wish her success for the future.

DAAD - UNIFI Project Meeting

03 January 2016

The DAAD-UNIFI meeting took place in Berlin at the Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute from November 3rd to November 6th, 2015. 28 participants from 11 countries participated.

Purpose of the University Future Internet, UNIFI, project is to establish sustainable teaching and research infrastructures in the areas of Future Internet through global collaboration among academic institutions facilitating researchers particularly master and PhD students to work together on state of the art technologies. These infrastructures are based on state of the art open source toolkits and additional Software packages which are publicly available. The initiative is happy to announce the expansion of new associations and partnerships stretching all over the world including Japan, Mexico, Colombia, Finland, Hungary, among other countries. Visit our videos to learn more about UNIFI, its founding members and new associates. 

Related Links:
NGNI, Unifi, News, TGGS
From left to right: Dr.-Ing. Chayakorn Netramai, Lecturer/Researcher | Ralf Opierzynski, Fraunhofer IFF | Asst. Prof. Dr. Monpilai Narasingha, TGGS Dean | Thomas Magedanz, Fraunhofer FOKUS/TU Berlin | Asst. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Suramate Chalermwisutkul, Associate Dean for Planning and Development Lecturer UNIFI

Lecture at King Mongkut’s University in Bangkok

23 June 2015 

Prof. Thomas Magedanz (Fraunhofer FOKUS/TU Berlin) was invited to give a talk with the title “Smart Communication Toolkits and Testbeds for Industry and Academia enabling the rapid Prototyping of Emerging Smart City Applications” at The Sirindhorn International School of Engineering (TGGS) at King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand.

Related Links:

DAAD-UNIFI Industrial Partner Presentation on Tools for Early Prototyping and Evaluation of 5G Solutions, MobiFone Hanoi, Viet Nam

22 June 2015

On 22th of June 2015, DAAD-UNIFI project Leader Stefan Covaci gave a presentation to the Vietnamese mobile Operator MobiFone on „Tools for Early Prototyping and Evaluation of 5G Solutions“.
The presentation was attended by the director of the MobiFone Research and Development Center Dr. Mai Hong Anh and his researchers and was followed by an initial discussion on potential co-operations between MobiFone, TUB, Fraunhofer FOKUS and HUST.
As a first priority, aiming at evaluation of 4G and 5G solutions that avoid vendor lock-in, the 20150620_Hanoi_Covaciintroduction of Open5GCore and OpenSDNCore in MobiFone has been discussed. Bi- and Trilateral projects between MobiFone, TUB / FOKUS and HUST have been considered as a useful vehicle for the upcoming ptreparation period preceding the start oft he introduction of 4G in the Vietnamese market in 2016.

DAAD-UNIFI Guest Lecture on Cloud Networking in 5G, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Viet Nam

18-19 June 2015

DAAD-UNIFI Project Leader delivers guest lecture on Cloud-Networking in the 5G Era
School of Electronics and Telecommunications, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Viet Nam between 18th and 19th of June 2015
18th and 19th of June guest lecture „Cloud-Networking in the 5G Era“ was presented by Dr. Stefan Covaci, DAAD-UNIFI Project Leader and Senior Solutions Architect Future Internet Services Platforms, Technical University Berlin.
The lecture was well attended by students and researchers of the School of Electronics and Telecommunications and besides presenting the key performance indicators, technologies, use-cases and standardisation for 5G, the lecture provided insights on the effectiveness and efficiency gains achieved by the different stakeholders and across supply-chains centered on the Open5G tools developed by TU-berlin and Fraunhofer FOKUS.
An interactive Q&A session, with hands-on examples of the development and the deployment of a 5G Core Network based on Cloud-Networking using the Open5GCore, OpenSDNCore and Open5GPlayground, was concluding the 2 day lecture.

ERASMUS TEAM launches 2nd call for applications

The second call for applications of the TEAM project has been launched on April 10th and is open until May 26th.

The TEAM project brings together world class higher education and research institutions as well as industrial partners in the field of Information and Communication Technologies. As an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Programme, the TEAM partnership provides a platform for joint research and academic exchange by offering scholarships to talented junior and senior ICT researchers for a mobility in Europe or Japan and the Republic of South Korea.
As TEAM – partner, the TU Berlin / AV is offering Doctorates, Post-doctorates, Academic & Administrative Staff of the TEAM partners (including TU Berlin) the opportunity of studying and/or doing research in the field of ICT.

Related Links:
NGNI, Unifi, News January 2015
Prof. Magedanz with the NECTEC directors Suthee Phoojaruenchanachai, Sarun Sumriddetchkajorn, and Pailynn Duangsuwan, and Ralf Opierzynski from the Fraunhofer IFF Office Bangkok. UNIFI

Talk at National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Bangkok

10 January 2015

Professor Thomas Magedanz (Fraunhofer FOKUS/TU Berlin) talked about: “Towards Unified M2M/IOT Platforms for efficient Smart City Implementations – Status Quo and Practical Ways Forward” at the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) of the National Science and Development Authority (NSTDA), Science Park, Bangkok, Thailand

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ERASMUS TEAM launches 1st call for applications 

10 November 2014

The first call for applications of the TEAM project has been launched on November 10th and is open until February 1st.
The TEAM project brings together world class higher education and research institutions as well as industrial partners in the field of Information and Communication Technologies. As an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Programme, the TEAM partnership provides a platform for joint research and academic exchange by offering scholarships to talented junior and senior ICT researchers for a mobility in Europe or Japan and the Republic of South Korea

As TEAM – partner, the TU Berlin / AV is offering Doctorates, Post-doctorates, Academic & Administrative Staff of the TEAM partners (including TU Berlin) the opportunity of studying and/or doing research in the field of ICT.

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UNIFI Workshop in Berlin

11 - 14 November 2014

The DAAD – UNIFI project held this year its annual workshop hosted by the TU Berlin on the premises of the Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute in Berlin, Germany.

During the workshop, the UNIFI partners discussed the achievements to date and the further plans and were given the opportunity to participate in a number of interactive demonstrations of the TU-Berlin and FOKUS teaching and research facilities. For the first time, new partners from Indonesia (Telkom University), South Africa (Rhodes University) and Colombia (Universidad de los Andes) were attending the workshop and expressed their interest in joining the UNIFI community as associate partners. The DAAD-UNIFI partners and associate partners participated also to the co-located Fokus Fuseco Forum 2014 conference  and exchanged valuable insights with leading European peers in the Future Internet and Next Generation Networks space.

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3 September 2014

The Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) has taken place on 31 Aug-3 Sep 2014. The team of Prof. Neco Ventura form the Centre for Broadband Network (UCT) has presented their research work and UNIFI to other participants form different Universities. The event was very successful, with a higher attendance than last year.
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UNIFI @ 1st FUSECO Forum Asia

10 June 2014

With participation of several UNIFI key actors the 1st FUSECO Forum Asia, held in Bali, Indonesia on June 9-10, 2014 was a big success. The forum theme was Future Telco Ecosystems within Smart Cities, and many enabling technologies, such as post-IMS, M2M platforms, SDNs, and Cloud technologies have been discussed. Good cooperation links have been established to the Telkom Indonesia University and Insitut Teknology Bandung (ITB). Prof. Magedanz (TUB) was the Chair of the event, Prof. Supavadee (Chulalongkorn Univ.) and Prof. Ehijo (UdC) chaired a session on Smart Cities: Best practices and current role out plans.

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UNIFI Lecture at UCT

9 April 2014

From April 7 – 9 , Prof Magedanz has delivered his annual UNIFI lecture in the Department of Electrical Engineering (http://www.ebe.uct.ac.za) and the Centre for Broadband Networks (http://coe.uct.ac.za). This year the lecture title has been “Future Internet Impacts on Next Generation Telecommunication Services and Network Infrastructures“.
This year the lectures covered most recent Smart City ICT platforms, such as SDN, NFV, IoT, M2M, Cloud technologies as well as Cloud based SDPs. The lecture series also pointed out the use of the Fraunhofer FOKUS / TU Berlin OpenXXX toolkits and Testbeds (Playgrounds) enabling “Testbed as a service” and “Testbed to go“ approaches for advanced academic and industry research and prototyping in the aforementioned technology fields.
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UNIFI discussion and speach at Chula University

17 February 2014

On 13th – 17th Feb 2014, TUB PhD candidate Asma Elmangoush visited Chulalongkorn University – Bangkok, Thailand (www.chula.ac.th). She met with Prof. Chaodit Aswakul, Prof. Chaiyachet Saivichit and students of the Greennet team at Chulalongkorn University, during these meetings she learned about the Building Energy Management System (BEMS) project at Chulalongkorn University, which is implemented by the Greennet team. The system aim to control the energy consumption (air conditions and lighting) at the Engineering faculty based on IEEE 1888 standard for Ubiquitous Green Community Control Network Protocol . During the meetings the integration of both M2M ETSI and IEEE1888 standards using an interworking proxy for openMTC platform (open-mtc.org) was discussed. The implementation is planned to start soon by the cooperation between TUB and Chula.
On Feb. 13th Asma Elmangoush gave a talk “Machine-to-machine Communication: European standards and Use Cases in Smart Energy Management”. 
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UNIFI Lecture at UdC

24 - 26 March 20014

This year the three day DAAD Unifi Lecture (held by Prof. Thomas Magedanz /TUB) was entitled “Future Internet Impacts on Next Generation Telecommunication Services and Network Infrastructures“ and covered topics such as:
1. Smart Cities, Future Internet Technologies and the Network of the Future
2. Internet of Things and Machine to Machine Communications
3. Cloud-based Service Delivery Platforms and Networks 
Around 45 students attended the lectures.

UNIFI Key Player in TRESCIMO Project

10 January 2014

Following the main mission of the DAAD UNIFI project, namely to establish a solid R&D cooperation amongst key universities based on replicated and interconnected testbed infrastructures and common knowhow as a foundation for sustainable research, the EU Project TRESCIMO (Testbeds for Reliable Smart City Machine-to-Machine Communication) has been defined during 2013 and started in the beginning of 2014. TU Berlin and the University of Cape Town are key players in this project providing – based on the successful joined testbed establishment work within UNIFI – the nucleus of an interconnected M2M / Smart City platform between South Africa and Germany / Europe.

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UNIFI Project Meeting University of Cape Town

20 – 25 January 2014

The first DAAD-UNIFI Project Meeting of the year took place in Cape Town at UCT.
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UNIFI OpenMTC Deployment and initial M2M Testbed Setup at UCT

January 2014

After previous coaching in Berlin in 2013 in January 2014 the FOKUS/TUB OpenMTC platform has been installed and configured with FS20 sensors at UCT Smart IoT Lab for first Smart Home M2M application prototyping.

UNIFI Guest Lecture at Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)

14 - 17 October 2013

Dr.-Ing. Tom Pfeifer from TU Berlin, Germany, gave a three-day guest lecture in the HUST (www.hut.edu.vn) MSc class for computer communications, covering the development of the Internet of Things, its Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication backbones, open platforms and application areas in smart cities and smart environments. The visit was complemented by talks to the Mobifone labs about collaboration in research and development.

UNIFI @ Africon 2013

9 - 12 September 2013

Prof. Thomas Magedanz from TU Berlin was a keynote speaker at IEEE Africon in Mauritius, September 9-12, 2013. Theme : “Smart Communication Toolkits and Testbeds for Industry and Academia enabling the rapid Prototyping of Emerging Smart Cities”.
Moreover Dr. Stefan Covaci from TU Berlin will be a member of the technical programme committee (TPC).

UNIFI@Mini-Symposium – The Internet of Things, Machine to Machine Communication and Smart Citis

5 September 2013

Prof. Thomas Magedanz from TU Berlin was keynote speaker, September 5, 2013. Theme: “Smart Communication Platforms for Prototyping Smart City Applications”.


1 - 4 September 2013

UNIFI was taking part at SATNAC 2013. The Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) is an annual event hosted under the auspices of Telkom and attracts in excess of 400 delegates. This prestigious event has become the continent’s leading ICT conference where Industry, Academia and Operators publish on matters concerning progress achieved in applied research in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector and where industry leaders share their views on latest trends and developments.


26 August 2013

Thomas Magedanz: “Towards Smart City Service Delivery and Control Platforms – Putting SDP, IMS, MTC, and EPC into a single context”, Half Day Tutorial at National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) Annual Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, Head Office of NRCT, Phaholyothin Rd.,Bangkaen, August 26, 2013

UNIFI Guest Lecture at Chulalongkorn University

21 - 22 May 2013

Prof. Thomas Magedanz, visiting Professor at the university of Cape Town and full Professor at the Technical University Berlin, Germany gave a two day lecture entitled:
“Next Generation Network (NGN) to Future Internet (FI) Evolution for Smart City Communications –Understanding the Roles and Relationships between APIs, IMS, EPC and MTC within emerging Smart City Platforms” at the Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Payathai Road, Bangkok, Thailand.


16 May 2013

Special Tutorial by Prof. T. Magedanz: “Smart City Communication: M2M standards, applications and platforms” at Maritime Park and Spa resort, Krabi,Thailand, May 16th 2013.
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UC Lab opening at IT Telkom in Bandung

20 March 2013

Prof. Dr. Thomas Magedanz took part in todays Unified Communication Lab (UC Lab) opening ceremony at IT Telkom in Bandung, Indonesia. UC Lab is a part of Telkom Institute of Technology and it is a leading international research centre in the field of communication technology, where research, industry, and customers can benefit from its creativity process.


20 March 2013

Prof. Thomas Magedanz  presented a keynote entitled ”Smart Communication Platforms for Prototyping  Smart City Applications” at the International Conference of Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) in Bandung, Indonesia


3 - 7 December 2012

UNIFI Members meet at ONIT 2012 Workshop at IEEE Globecom in Anaheim, California (December 3-7th, 2012)  where Joyce Mwangama , Alfonso Ehijo and Thomas Magedanz presented papers around NGN and FI Technologies.

Prof. Thomas Magedanz from TU Berlin joined the University of Chile as a visiting professor

23 November 2012

Prof. Magedanz joined the University of Chile (faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences) on November 23th as a visiting professor and gave his first lecture for master and PhD students. His lecture courses are planned to be provided annually and as the deployment of Smart Cities toolkits and platforms at the University de Chile are planned for the near future supported by the German DAAD project UNIFI (University Future Internet), joint education and research among Chilenian and German Master and Phd students is enabled.


21 November 2012

Due to the discussion of the possibility of further cooperation a UNIFI meeting was held at the University of Chile. UNIFI Teams from TU Berlin and Universidad de Chile met at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (FPMC) on November 21st.

UNIFI booth at 3rd FOKUS FUSECO Forum 2012

15 - 16 November 2012

The UNIFI Project took part at  the FFF 2012 on Future Seamless Communication on November 15 & 16, 2012 themed: “Convergence of Human-to-Human and Machine-to-Machine Communications within emerging open Smart City ICT infrastructures – Using Open APIs, RCS, IMS, MTC, EPC, and LTE as Enablers for emerging Future Internet Application Domains”.

UNIFI lecture at Universidad de Chile

20 - 22 November 2012

Enabled by the DAAD Project University Future Internet (UNIFI) there will be lecture by Prof. Dr. Thomas Magedanz (TU Berlin/FhG FOKUS, Germany) at UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE ,Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica (DIE) on November 20 – November 22, 2012:
“Next Generation Network (NGN) to Future Internet (FI) Evolution - The role of SDPs, EPC, IMS, MTC for Smart City Communication Needs”

UNIFI @ mobilware2012

13 - 14 November 2012

UNIFI will be a part of the 5th International Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications on November 13–14, 2012 in Berlin, Germany.

Under the title “UNIFI: UNiversities for Future Internet” following presentations will be held be members of the UNIFI Project:

“The Key Role of Latin American Operators and Governments in the Future Internet: Prototyping and Transfering the Emergent Technologies from the Academy+R&D to the Industry”, Prof. Alfonso Ehijo, Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile
“Testbed for Evaluating Quality-of-Experience in IMS-based Mobile IPTV”, Prof.Nguyen Huu Thanh, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Viet Nam
“Emerging Accessibility and Safety based Multimedia Applications and Testbed”, Asst. Prof. Dr. Supavadee Aramvith, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

UNIFI @Onit2012

3 - 7 December 2012

UNIFI is part of this years 4th International IEEE Workshop on Open NGN and IMS Testbeds (ONIT 2012) @ GLOBECOM 2012  (Open Source Tools and Testbeds for Fixed and Mobile Next Generation Network Evolution toward the Future) on December 3-7th, 2012, Anaheim, California, USA.
Members of the DAAD-UNIFI project are not only keynote speakers at this event, but they are also members of the steering committee, the organizing committee and the publicity chairs

UNIFI @ SATNAC South Africa

4 September 2012

T. Magedanz: “From Fixed-Mobile Convergence towards total ICT Convergence in the Future Internet – on the Role of Unified Smart City Control and Communication Platforms and related R&D Testbeds”, Keynote at the Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC) 2012 themed “The Internet of Things – Smart Homes & Cities”… Evolution or Tsunami?, Fancourt in George, Western Cape, South Africa, September 4, 2012.


3 August 2012

1st Workshop on Future Internet in Academia has successfully taken place on Aug 3, 2012 as part of ICCE 2012 in Hue (Imperial City of Vietnam), Vietnam between Aug 1-3, 2012, www.icce2012.org. Chaired by Dr. Stefan Covaci (Technische Universität Berlin) and Prof. Nguyen Thanh (Hanoi University of Science and Technology), this workshop brought together key academic, industrial and governmental players to discuss UNIFI topics. The workshop was organized around 6 key-notes and a panel discussion.


30 July 2012

Prof. Thomas Magedanz held an UNIFI Guest lecture at Chulalongkorn University (Thailand). Topic of the lecture: “NGN2FI Evolution – Understanding NGN Control and Service Platform Evolution towards Smart Cities”.


17 July 2012

Prof. Thomas Magedanz attended the event  “NGN2FI Evolution – Understanding NGN Control and Service Platform Evolution” – an invited talk at the Computer Science and Information Management Department at Advanced Institute for Technologies, Bangkok, Thailand. www.ait.asia